The ULaw Study Skills team are here to help you study smarter and make the most out of your time at university.
We understand that studying can be challenging for all sorts of reasons and we offer a wide variety of support to help you succeed in achieving your best possible outcome.
We offer help and advice on all kinds of study skills topics including:
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If you're looking for help with a specific studying related issue the best place to start is by browsing our extensive catalogue of online resources on elite.
Our broad range of resources includes short videos, webinar recordings, podcasts and downloadable study guides. Click the link below to visit out elite homepage or go to: elite / organisations / study skills
You can see the schedule for our upcoming live events listed on the calendar below.
Click on any event to be taking to the booking page.
You can access additional online resources via the university's subscription to the online learning platform, Bloomsbury Skills for Study (S4S).
S4S is an interactive resource based on the work of Stella Cottrell, bestselling author of The Study Skills Handbook. S4S includes a number of short online modules that are designed to help you evaluate, develop and build upon your existing study skills.
You can access links to all the different modules and find a short introductory video over on elite.
When might you want to use Bloomsbury Skills for Study?
Sage Skills: Student Success prepares students with the academic and personal skills necessary to thrive during their university studies and beyond. Strengthen skills in academic writing, research skills, study strategies, data literacy as well as cultural competence, personal well-being, and critical thinking through self-guided modules that feature self-assessments, interactive scenarios, videos, downloadable exercises, and more.
When might you want to use Sage Skills?
For personalised advice you can speak to a Student Learning Developer without needing an appointment, by joining one of our regular Q&A drop in sessions. Click on the calendar to find the next scheduled sessions.
You can also book a 45 minute online one-to-one appointment with a Student Learning Developer if you would like to discuss your situation in more detail.
Alternatively you can email any queries to:
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